Thursday, February 11, 2010

Build Shortwave Antenna How Do I Build A Shortwave Radio Antenna?

How do I build a shortwave radio antenna? - build shortwave antenna

I would like to build an antenna for shortwave and want to know how so cheap.


larry_th... said...

OK, do the math. Change the frequency in megahertz on the actual wavelength, about 29 MHz is about 10 meters, or about 30 meters right?

Then, because I am lazy right button in the center, 15 meters to 15 meters left and right.

This makes a total wavelength dipole everything you need is a length of 30 feet 12 gauge cable and a cable from there to the back of the receiver.

I suggest you search online design Radio Antenna Ham "or find the old book," heard on short wave "for TAB pounds.

Good Luck

joey said...

You can aluminum metal. It is easier to work.
You go to the local house of metallic materials. there and select what you need.
It might cost $ 15-20 or less.

But_Ugly said... ...

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